
tender plant

Sustainability action

As a company, we’re conscious of our responsibility to the planet and the people around us and we place sustainability at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make.


We provide work to people in local communities and manufacture our jewelry in the most energy-efficient and low-carbon way possible.

Our sustainability pillars


The packaging for our jewelry comes from recycled materials. We also use recycled brass and sterling silver to create many of our stunning fashion jewelry  items.


We’re committed to upholding human rights and promoting gender equality and a positive, inclusive workplace.


We use energy-efficient processes and precise manufacturing to lower our carbon footprint and protect the environment.

raw material inspection

Sustainable materials from the start


The brass and sterling silver we use for our jewelry comes from certified recycling sources to minimize carbon emissions.


All of our jewelry is FDA, Reach and CA65 certified so it’s safe for the environment and the wearer.

Ethically Sourced:

The materials for our packaging and jewelry come from reliable and sustainable resources.

Everyone deserves to be loved

hola more team

Gender harmony

We promote gender equality in the workplace and have a huge number of talented people of all genders in our teams.

human rights

Human rights

We have a harmonious work environment where human rights are respected, which helps give us a high employee retention rate.

Give Back

Giving back

We make investments that have a positive impact on the environment and regularly give back to our community.

Committed to Green production methods

We regularly practice eco-friendly waste management, which produces less sewage and metal dust. The advanced wastewater and waste dust treatment equipment in our facilities help to reduce industrial pollution and carbon emissions.

Growing Plant

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